School Life

Key stage 3 pupils study Achieve twice a week on rotation and Achieve is a combination of PSHE (Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education), Citizenship and Careers Education. PSHE incorporates physical health and mental wellbeing, relationship and sex education, plus living in the wider world.
Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) is an integral part of the programme
Achieve is intended to help students grow as a person. They will develop the skills needed to live a happy and healthy life by reaching their full potential and achieving their dreams. Students will learn to be an active citizen, acquire financial literacy skills and prepare for the working world.
By studying Achieve, students will be able to make informed choices. This subject will help them grow in self-confidence by developing their knowledge, skills and attributes to manage their life now and in the future. It will motivate students to achieve their dreams.
What is ACHIEVE?
Health & wellbeing
Individual development
Economic wellbeing
At Key Stage 4 students study PSHE within Philosophy and Ethics on a weekly basis plus regular interaction through the tutor programme and personal development focussed days. Content covers the same topics as Achieve to the age appropriate standard.