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School Life
Students are to arrive at the school gates by no later than 08.45am. Anything after this point will be recorded as a late with sanctions to support. Before 08.45am students are welcome to make their way to our school diner for breakfast and some social time before the school day begins
Morning Registration - Compulsory
08.50am - 09.10am
During this time students will participate in tutor based activities, have time to meet their tutor to discuss any key points, receive information they need for the day or upcoming events or an assembly.
Period 1
9:10am – 10:00am
Period 2
10:05am – 10:55am
10:55am – 11:10am
Period 3
11:10am – 12:00pm
Period 4
12:00pm –12.35pm
Lunch for students in Years 8 & 10 (Lunch A)
Lessons for students in Year 7, 9 & 11 until 12.50pm
Lunch for students in Years 7, 9 & 11 (Lunch B)
Lessons for students in Year 8 & 10 at 12.35pm
Period 5
13:25pm- 14:15pm
Period 6
14:20pm- 15:10pm
After School events, clubs, subject revision and detentions all begin at 15.10pm
Weekly our students attend school for 32 hours and 5 minutes.