What Provisions Do We Offer?
To enhance QFT and meet the needs of students, it is sometimes necessary to provide short-term focused interventions. As part of our commitment to ensure the best possible outcomes for students who have SEND, or who require assistance in accessing mainstream lessons, the following support is available, dependent on suitability and assessment outcomes:
• Academic Resilience Groups (Literacy and Numeracy)
• Attendance Support Contact (Dedicated LSA)
• BTEC Clinic (KS4 students)
• Catch-Up (Literacy and Numeracy)
• Classroom Assistance (LSA allocation based on class needs)
• EAL Support Sessions
• Emotional Literacy Sessions (Restorative Practice)
• Homework Hub
• Key worker Allocation
• Nurture Provisions
• Mental Health Trailblazer Sessions
• Reintegration Programme
• SEMH Support Groups
• Social Skills Intervention
In addition to the above small group/1:1 interventions, Ellowes Hall Sports College also offer the following support, dependent upon suitability and parental/carer agreement:
• Access to laptop use if a student’s needs can be supported by this type of technology and/or it is
stated in an EHCP
• Access to reader pens, particularly in support of students with low literacy levels, diagnosed dyslexia,
and/or decreased processing speeds
• Coloured overlays for students who have been diagnosed by a specialist as having visual stress
• Online dyslexia screening, used to identify areas of need, traits, and the likelihood of possible dyslexia.
Parents/carers should be aware that this doesn’t provide a diagnosis