Recent News
School Life
It is important that someone retains an overall view of how each child is progressing in his or her various subjects. We do this by allocating a personal tutor to children who will monitor their progress. These tutor groups are made up of students from the same Year Group.
This tutor will be your main point of contact. If at any time you have questions or concerns about any aspect of your child’s school life, then early contact with the tutor is essential. Similarly, the tutor will periodically contact home to give parents a brief update. As well as this, you will also receive information from our Heads of Year/Pastoral Team on twitter through the following links:
Year 7 - Mrs Stobbart - @ellowes7
Year 8 - Mr Brooks - @ellowes8
Year 9 - Mr Jukes - @teamellowes9
Year 10 - Mr Norman - @ellowes10
Year 11 - Mr Bassett - @ellowes11
Head of Key Stage 4 - Mrs Garbett - @teamellowes_ks4
Rewards - Mr Di Bernardo - @ellowesteam
In October of your child’s first term in school (Year 7) there will be an opportunity to discuss with your child’s tutor how your child is ‘settling in’. At this meeting there will also be information presented on the demands of the National Curriculum in Key Stage 3, the support your child will receive and how you as parents, can help your child succeed.
During the year you will receive an interim report and a full report—the latter being supported by a parent's evening. You are also invited to use our online Learning Platform, Ello, which allows you to view instant reports for your child, including their attendance, conduct and results.